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Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I have absolutely nothing to complain about.

It's really weird. Work is good, and busy enough to pay well... Home is... really messy, but good. School is officially on next quarter, everything is more or less ready... My daughter is great, she always is.

I have nothing to complain about, and thus, nothing to write here. Nice spam, btw. LMFAO. You guys have come up with some pretty good nicknames, too. "Fuckstick" will forever be a part of my vocabulary, courtesy of you, anonymous reader.

Oh, anonymous reader, your insults aplenty and completely incomprehensible. Where would the average blog be without you? Nowhere, that's where. You kick ass. You bring life to an anger-soggy and essentially useless blog. It is you, anonymous reader, who brings fun to my snorefest of a blog. You are the punchline to the cruel joke that is my life.

So thank you anonymous reader, for gracing this waste of webspace with your unintelligible insults, bizarre porn-spam, and of course, the occasional artfully concise point. I like readers.

end rant.


  1. How will this mean the blog, without you? Not anywhere in it. You Kick Ass. You can restore life in anger and wet blog mostly useless. You are an anonymous reader who brings comfort to my leash celebration of the blog. You cruel point joking that this is my life.

  2. Yeahhhhhhhhhhh......... that's what I'm talking about!
