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Monday, April 18, 2011

Why is life impossible?

My child is sick again. Before you start thinking I'm being melodramatic, realize that this is a constant struggle in our household. Here's the pattern: she gets a virus, has a fever for the first 8-10 days, and then her asthma kicks in. It usually necessitates prednisone, or some other at-home-only kind of treatment. On average, each stupid cold or virus typically results in a two week time loss. Within days, she has another something, and the process begins anew.

This is why I lost my job - now over a year ago.

We're kinda fucked, I think; because in order for me to show up every day, I'd need some sort of nanny with healthcare training. She qualifies as "disabled", but my meager unemployment is "too much" for us to get any help from them. Their limit is $600 a month anyway, and as stated before; if you have anything else, you can't get it.

In addition to the aforementioned problems, I'm constantly terrified, because her condition is life-threatening. If you've ever seen a small child turn blue and drop to the floor, you'll know what I mean.

Add to this the CONSTANT judgement from folks who think I'm "milking the system" - INCLUDING some of the very people who are supposed to be helping; and maybe you'll understand my frustration...

Does anyone know of any LEGITIMATE work-at-home jobs? I'm out of ideas here...

Thursday, April 14, 2011

revenge of the inner child?

So I threw a tantrum today.
I threw a tantrum and killed it.
I was way out of line, and I over-reacted.

I was sad to see it go.
I'm still sad, but I'll be ok.
I had no right to say the things that I said.
But the monster inside took over
and I didn't see it coming
so I couldn't stop it.

I think that these tantrums
come from fear

I think that I fear loss
and this very fear
is a self-fulfilling prophecy
because it causes the loss
the minute I feel the fear.

So, this time, it's all my fault
and I'm sorry

and in the future, i will remember
that I have to let it unfold.
tearing it open will kill it

I have to let it unfold, in just the way it is going to
or I risk causing the very thing I fear

Another factor, I imagine; is a certain degree of insecurity.
Life has taught me, many times over; that people will not like me for who I am, and they will leave me.
Unfortunately, these lessons seemed to come at random times.
Much like hitting a dog for something it did four hours ago only teaches the dog to fear you,
many of my previous relationships with people have caused me to fear people, in a sense.
I bet a lot of it stems from things with my father...

I chased you away because I was afraid I would lose you.
All I can offer in repentance is a heartfelt, "I'm sorry", which of course changes nothing.
So, because I care about you and respect you, I will respect your wishes, whatever they be.

In my future, whether you choose to be around for it or not, I will include more time spent with friends and family, more time spent on my own interests, and more time spent accomplishing my goals. I was already heading in that direction, but this is a lesson I think I will not forget. I finally found someone who genuinely wanted to know me, and who treated me with respect, and supported my ambitions, and I couldn't figure out how to be with him. I am sad, but this is fantastic motivation to fix me, and that's exactly what I'll do.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

This is to all you single mom bashers out there

First off, I'm sick to death of listening to you people whine (particularly to ME) about how the likes of people like me are ruining your lives. I'm sick of hearing about how you THINK you are being made to pay for MY child.

Secondly, consider this, if you will: NO ONE chooses to be a single mom. Done effectively, it's one of the hardest jobs out there, undeniably. We all end up this way for a reason, though. I think many people miss that fact.

Take me, for example: I was engaged to the father of my child, BEFORE we chose (together) to have her. When I met him, he was fairly stable. He had two jobs (one was with the National Guard - serving our country), and he still managed to be a primary caretaker of many in his family. When 9/11 happened, we prepared for him to deploy. The stress of all of this, and his mother's terminal illness, took a huge toll on him. Yet he remained strong, and so did I.

A year later, his orders were still up in the air, his mother had passed on, and we had a young child. Shortly after he was discharged, we learned I had cancer. His feelings for me continued to wax and wane for FIVE YEARS after this. We lived together, and we lived apart. Much of the time, I didn't bother asking about wedding dates, because by this point, I couldn't even rely on him to be around TODAY. I believe that the circumstances had a lot to do with things, but if you're with someone for FIVE YEARS, and they only hear from you once a week by YOUR choice, your actions are speaking for themselves. I think if you love someone, you find a way to be with them, and you share the burden of the circumstances.

During the last three or four years, we rarely saw him, and didn't hear from him much. He did not contribute financially, either. I knew he was having trouble, so I didn't ask for much anyway, I just took care of her needs myself to the best of my ability. He still said he loved me, but rarely even called us.

Eventually, I got tired of feeling like I was involved in a game of cat and mouse instead of a relationship. So, I left. I told him that if he wanted to work things out, I'd be willing to try, of course, but that he needed to also. He asked me to marry him again, and I called his bluff, offering to pay for it myself. He backed out. That wasn't the first time.

So, in a huge display of self-respect (not to mention I didn't want my daughter thinking it was ok to let someone treat you the way he treated me), I ended things permanently. I couldn't go on with someone who had no capacity to love me back, and no desire to be a father. It would have harmed my daughter more if I'd stayed, especially since he was so inconsistent with her. And anyway, I was too tired of the games to let it go on any longer, so I moved on with my life, and tried to better myself and my daughter in any way I could. He has paid, I think, a total of $2000 in child support over her LIFETIME, so for those of you who think women "trap" men for CS, please realize it usually isn't profitable, even if the guy SAYS he's starving to pay it. Most likely, he's lying. I know my ex does. He has another child now, and has just started biweekly visitation, and I couldn't be happier that he FINALLY sees her regularly.

The important point here is this: we become single moms for different reasons. Sometimes, things just don't work, and the only thing you can do is make the best of what will. So, if you haven't been there, DON'T JUDGE!!! You can't know someone's motives without knowing who they are.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

feelings... nothing more than feelings...

I am now everything that I always was...
The darkness that you see before you remains unchanged
a vast abyss of emptiness just waiting for the opportune moment to pull you in
and suck you dry, your emptiness fills me
I am a collector of souls

a dark cloud waiting to pounce
to pull you down in it
i will only cover you with rain
do you miss the cold?
i am the collector of souls

i feed on your dismal displays of of emptiness
and I'll build my empire from the scraps of your weakness
the profound affection that you once felt
was only the wind of my breath
nothingness, really
for i am the collector of souls

trying to forget these feelings of decay

questions of thought

I don't know what to think about anything... I don't know what I think about you, or you, or you... I'm a little bit confused, so I think I will address these things as they surface in my mind's thought-pool.

The first one, I know this for sure: I don't owe you a damn thing. I gave you everything, and that fact was never even acknowledged. I gave you everything, and you took and took and took, and yet you claim I owe YOU. I owe you... I don't know for what...? Breathing the same air as you? I think not. I will come back to this thought, but another is more pressing right now; more important than you, and your demands.

This second, I don't what to do with yet. I think that this second agrees.
There is much uncertainty, and much possibility, or so I think.
I'm still undecided as to whether or not I'm seeing the whole of things.
I do know, that I don't like that. I can handle myself while wading through a certain degree of uncertainty, for sure...
but the particulars of the uncertainty through which I walk are not my favorite of kinds. These are the little things that drive people away, that drive people insane. That, I don't like so much. I'm sure, though; that I am creating the same on the other end. This second, maybe I owe. So, this second, I will continue to try... if only for another second. If the uncomfortability rises to a certain degree, then the time has come for this second to end, I suppose; for the time to return to what it once was. I'm ok with that.

This second, now sorted; feels a little less pressing.... With that I will continue my rant towards the first one. The one who screams, "I love you" in a voice loaded with hatred. From the shadows of my weak points, the first one appears. First, softly whispering... the moment the first one has caught my ear, the whisper turns to a scream. The words seem to beg for my mercy, but the voice and the face from which they come seeks to berate and destroy the very core of me.

The face, painted to summon sympathy from the masses is quickly betrayed by the eyes behind. "You've destroyed my heart!", asserts the voice, but I can see that the blackened mass still beats within... This is the process of crazy-making, displaying pains so publicly... For I am not a heartless monster, I'm merely smart enough to hide mine away; and certainly away from public view. Once, the first one tore a nasty gash right through my side... then, the first one dragged my insides through the dirt for all to see, to feast on... Never again will I expose my vulnerable belly to the first one again. Can you blame me?

This one wears a mask to put my insides on display for all the others - claiming to own the pain that is rightfully mine - crying out for sympathy for his OWN crimes! Naturally, as far as this one is concerned, the very rain that falls upon the Earth is mine in fault. I think not. This is, as I said, simply the process of crazy-making, and I'll not be made to go there, thanks.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

More things...

The following are articles that I find helpful. I have cited the authors where possible.

I don't know where this one came from:
Emotional abuse is characterized by the abuser’s manipulation and invalidation of his or her partner. Here is a list of warning signs to be aware of.

Abusive Expectations
• Makes unreasonable demands.
Requires constant attention, or that you spend all your free time with him/her.
Constantly criticizes.
• No matter how much you give, it never seems to be enough.

Calls you names, accuses, blames, threatens, or gives orders.
• Can be disguised as “helping” or “teaching.”
Judgmental “I know best” attitude.

Constant Chaos
Deliberately starts arguments and may be in constant conflict with you or with others
• Treats you well in front of others, but changes into a different person when you’re alone together, or vice versa.
• May enjoy “drama,” because it creates excitement and brings the focus back onto him/herself.

Denies your personal needs, especially when that need is greatest, and does so with the intent of hurting, punishing, or humiliating you.
Denies that certain events occurred or that certain things were said.
Refuses to listen or communicate (silent treatment), and withdraws emotionally.
Denies your perceptions, memory, and sanity.
Disallows or overrules any viewpoints, perceptions, or feelings that differ from his/her own.
Causes you to lose confidence in and question your own perceptions and feelings.
Causes you to doubt your most powerful survival tool: your own mind.

Manipulates the relationship so that the only feelings and opinions that count are his/her own.
Must have his/her own way, and will hurt your feelings if necessary in order to get it.
Holds you personally responsible for his/her own happiness.
Disregards your personal standards or beliefs, and may try to persuade you to do things that you don’t want to do.

Emotional Blackmail
Plays on your fear, guilt, compassion, religious values, or other “hot buttons” to get what he/she wants.
May threaten to end the relationship, totally reject or abandon you, give you the “cold shoulder,” or use other tactics to control you.

• Seeks to distort your perceptions of your own world.
Refuses to or fails to acknowledge reality in order to create his/her own false reality.
• If you tell your partner that you felt hurt by something he/she did or said, he/she might say, “You’re too sensitive. That shouldn’t hurt you.”
• Or, the abuser might turn it around by saying, “You hurt me too sometimes. I just don’t say anything because I’m understanding.”
Suggests that your emotions and perceptions are faulty and can’t be trusted.
Any time your own feelings are disregarded or denied, invalidation has occurred.

• Less extreme form of denial.
• Says things like “You’re exaggerating” or “You’re making a big deal out of nothing.”
Trivializes by suggesting that something you have communicated is inconsequential or unimportant.

Unpredictable Responses
• Acts angry or upset in a situation that normally would not warrant such a response, or gets angry certain times but not others.
Blows up or gets angry at you over innocent comments you made.
• You feel like you have to “walk on eggshells” around him/her.
• Has drastic mood changes or sudden emotional outbursts.
• Likes something you do one day, but hates it the next.

Verbal Assaults
Berates, belittles, criticizes, threatens, or calls you names.
Subtle to blatant use of sarcasm and humiliation.
Constantly finds flaws with you.
Makes fun of you in front of others, or in private.

Emotional abuse often starts out very subtly, and progresses gradually over a period of time. Abusers are master manipulators, and can deceive even your friends and family – as well as their own. 

Trust your own feelings and perceptions!

How To Avoid An Obsessive or Abusive Relationship
by Bill Knell

Avoiding obsessive or abusive partners takes some forethought and planning. Here are some helpful tips. It's ironic that in a time when one of the biggest complaints from people involved in romantic relationships involves the other person's lack of commitment, that many find themselves unable to break free from obsessive partners. The key to avoiding that kind of a dilemma is knowing the difference between those who commit and those who obsess.

Before you attempt to initiate any romantic liaison, it's wise to decide what type of a relationship you‘re looking for? Most people put more effort into deciding what they'll have for dinner, then who they'll get involved with and under what circumstances. This is an important step, because sending out the wrong signal while you're looking is just the one likely to be received by the wrong person.
It's easy to grow weary of the dating game and get to the point where being in the comfort zone of finding a regular partner and potential spouse makes you want to skip a step, but that can be a very costly mistake. It's smarter to stay in the safe zone. The first and best way to allow a time for sizing up any potential partner is by making it a group effort. But before you invite anyone anywhere, play the privacy card.

Reasonable people understand that we all live in a dangerous and slightly paranoid world. But the paranoia is not without justification. The day of exchanging phone numbers with a stranger is over and done with. The only safe way to remain slightly and safely anonymous is to use a junk email address for initial contact. Any free email service like Hotmail will do. Never provide personal information to a stranger. Keep your phone numbers, birth date, address, job information and other personal details to yourself. If all this seems a bit much, just ask any victim of an abusive or obsessed lover how fast they would go back and do it right if they had the chance!

Inviting someone to join you and a group of friends for a night out provides a safety net. If your friends are an important part of your life, this will give you the opportunity to see how your potential date mixes in with them. Most people who become obsessed with a date or partner demand complete attention. One of the first things they will try and do is to step in between you and your friends. If you get an inkling of this type of behavior or are generally uncomfortable with the way your date behaves, slam the door in their face.
No one enjoys rejecting someone any more then they enjoy being rejected themselves, but this is a necessary step if you make the mistake of mixing with the wrong person. If a potential date or partner is one likely to obsess over you, then you cannot leave any room for negotiation or misunderstanding. Tell them you were uncomfortable with the way the evening went and did not care for their behavior. Indicate that you will not be seeing them again on any level and have no interest in doing so.

If things go well during your first group effort with a potential date, keep it that way for awhile. Anyone worth getting involved with will be glad to put out a little extra effort and endure some inconvenience to find the right person. Keeping it in a group also tends to separate those with the wrong agenda from people who just may be what you're looking for. Someone who is obsessive or abusive is unlikely to tolerate more then one or two pseudo-dates in a group. They like to target people who are lonely, vulnerable and have few friends. Most people who socialize in a crowd don't fit the entirety of that description. You'll also find that those just looking for a child's next step parent, an extra source of income, someone to stay with or an easy mark for a big loan will flee to greener and easier pastures.

Everyone dreams of being involved with the perfect person, but watch out! People who obsess or end up abusing their partners are often those who start off with what they consider to be honest sentiments and are almost always on their best behavior. A sure sign of this type of individual is over the top behavior. They move too fast, send too many flowers, give too many gifts, want you to immediately meet every member of their family and desire to be involved in every aspect of your life. All those gifts and all that attention comes with a price. Before you know it, they will expect you to reciprocate. That reciprocation can take the form of too much influence over your personal or professional life and a need to be with you or aware of your activities 24/7. Suddenly, they're at your doorstep with a suitcase or have taken the liberty of moving your things into their home. Think it can't happen? It does everyday and faster then you can imagine!

When it comes to looking for a partner or spouse, common sense is the last thing most people use and the first thing they should. While some may blissfully imagine that opposites attract, Sleeping Beauty and Attila the Hun would probably not be a match made in heaven. Some consideration should be given to what types of behavior you are willing to tolerate. Most behaviors multiple over the years. A loud person gets louder. A quiet person gets quieter. A rude person gets ruder. A person who drinks a little too much now will drink a lot too much later. The good news is that a nice person will probably get nicer.

If you're looking for a trophy, take up sports. If you're looking for the friend you never had, buy a dog, cat or bird. If you're looking for the Mom or Dad that never paid attention to you, volunteer time at a retirement home where elderly people tend to reward sincere efforts at friendship with honest appreciation and benevolent love. Before you sell yourself short and give up your freedom to someone with good looks who will gladly kick you into tomorrow or hunt you down if you try and leave, stop and do the math!

Whether we like it or not, anyone looking for romance in today's world is a potential target for the wrong choice. It's a sad sign of the times that falling in love has become a lot more complicated then it used to be!

Article Source:

Excerpt from:
By Natalie P.

"The more subtle forms of emotional abuse can be the hardest to escape from, because the gaps between the loving, caring behavior and the emotional cruelty can span several weeks or months. However, someone who is nice and caring, and helpful for 2 or 3 months at a time, but then deliberately does or says something very emotionally devastating and cruel to a partner is no better than someone who does the same nice things but then PUNCHES his partner once every few months. The pain, the insecurity, the uncertainty, and the heartache are the same. The bruises and the welts are on the inside instead of the outside, and they take far longer to heal. While someone may be emotionally blindsided by major episodes of emotional cruelty, and may even recognize it as abuse, abused partners often "overlook" the subtle everyday criticisms, "chain yanking", and emotional blackmail that are woven into the fabric of their relationship, accepting (or denying) it as just part of a "relationship". Unfortunately, it's part of a very UNHEALTHY relationship."

Monday, March 28, 2011


1. I wouldn't give up the right person for a few more tattoos, but with the right person, I wouldn't have to.

2. Someone who *wants* to be with me will not hide me from the people in their life.

3. Someone who wants to be in a relationship will be honest with the world about being in one.

4. To stay with someone who doesn't want to be with me would be disrespectful to myself.

5. Even if there is NO ONE who wants to be with me, I do perfectly fine on my own.

6. Someone who respects me will not monopolize my time, or get mad at me for spending time with my family or friends.

7. Someone who respects me will SHOW me that they care about my feelings; not just say, "ok" and continue to treat me like I don't matter.

8. Love doesn't happen overnight, even if he says he means it.

9. Someone who cares will probably not make me cry every day, especially in the first few months.

Bruno Mars - Grenade [Official Music Video]

Friday, March 25, 2011

I found this...

"People who have not been given "voice" in childhood have the lifelong task of repairing the "self." This is an endless construction project with major cost overruns (much like the "Big Dig" in Boston). Much of this repair work involves getting people to "hear" and experience them, for only then do they have value, "place," and a sense of importance. However, not just any audience will do. The observer and critic must be important and powerful, or else they will hold no sway in the world. Who are the most important and powerful people to a child? Parents. Who must a person pick as audience to help rebuild the self? People as powerful as parents. Who, typically, is more than willing to play the role of power broker in a relationship, doling out "voice" only insofar as it suits him/her? A narcissist, "voice hog," or otherwise oblivious and neglectful person. "


... and the paragraph struck a chord with me, like it was explaining my life... my life's work... and I thought, finally; someone understands. I wish I knew what exactly it was that happened to me that inflicted so much damage... I really can't remember which thing it was, maybe it was a combination of things... but that paragraph up there summarizes my life much more coherently than I ever could.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

change of thought

What do I have to say today..?
I'm unsure, but I can feel it welling up inside
from the depths of my being
something will appear, regurgitated on this page
and then spring to life

for that is really,
the only way I know to create life in this way
word-vomit, I've been told
by some unappreciative...

and speaking of unappreciative...
who are you to tell me who am i?
what am i...
lost on a page, misdirected in verbiage

tomorrow, something different comes
from beneath the shattered glass
tomorrow this begins anew
from the same old pattern...

the very definition of crazy,
do the same and expect different results...

Not tomorrow...
tomorrow, something different this way comes
I hope you're ready, because I sure am

Friday, January 7, 2011

I think I hate people today...

So, I took in a kitten... I saved him from the shelter, I guess. Good thing, too, the one he was headed for is really, really bad. I love him to pieces, and no matter what, I always will. He is about 7 months old, and very energetic, so he's in his "holy terror" stage still... You know, tearing the house apart, chewing on my toes at night, wants to play all of his tiny waking hours (he sleeps 18 of 24), etc.

All in all, it's been highly entertaining. He's adorable... I will never understand what makes people get so angry at animals, particularly baby ones. He has no real behavioral problems whatsoever. He nibbles from time to time, but they outgrow that anyway. I just picked up a sweatshirt that has been on the floor near an area where he sleeps regularly. I automatically smell-checked, having lived with a formerly feral feline. It smelled like me. It'd been there at least four days. There isn't even any hair on it. I'm impressed by his behavior, really.

Anyway, I don't normally take in one at a time, partly because socializing a solitary kitten is not easy for a non-feline creature. So, originally; I was looking into buying a Savannah... what can I say? I miss wild-animal antics in my living room... (did I mention we've been slightly less poor this year? It's been nice to have milk almost every day, and nicer to know that when we don't, it's wholly because of my daughter's voracious appetite) but there is a large part of me who is very acutely aware of the realities of the average cat's life. Many cats are picked out, fun for a while, and subsequently discarded at the local shelter, or worse, abandoned somewhere outside.

I CANNOT understand this behavior AT ALL. It literally sickens me that people abandon their pets. I have been homeless and still managed to provide a home for my pets. I realize that on that one, I had more help than many do. But to drop the poor thing off because "it pees outside of the litterbox", "the baby has allergies", "it smells" etc. These I do not understand. On the other hand, I suppose these pets deserved better than to be owned by assholes such as these... but they usually don't get what they do deserve, a nice loving FOREVER home with someone who accepts them for who they are (animals, people, your expectations need to be realistic). No. Most get a quiet death after you abandon them.

Don't get me wrong, if I had space, and financial resources, I'd take every single one of them. They would never have to endure being regarded as an object ever again. Seriously, I just can't believe how selfish some people are. And worse, how common it apparently is.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


 Soy Food Intake and Breast Cancer Survival 

I wonder...?

Posted via my G2. That's right bitches.

Monday, January 3, 2011

The iPhone is a damn pain in the ass.

Recently, I've come across several nifty little apps that come in both android and iphone versions; the idea being that I can say, create a grocery list that can be added to and edited by an iphone user. This is helpful, because it means my daughter can add things to my list in real time. Especially since I do the majority of the grocery shopping while she's in school. Yay, right? Only here's the thing: adding apps to the iphone is often a long, drawn out process. First, I have to open itunes, which my computer *fucking hates* - as in, itunes often crashes. I have a disturbingly large music and video collection, like 100 gb (you'd be truly amazed at the number of free song promotions you can use, if you're willing to invest the time) so it takes roughly five billion years to load under the best circumstances. Then, as I said before, it often crashes...

Step two is locating the app I want in a sea of irrelevant and pricey apps in itunes, since the free ones are often hidden, if they exist at all (most FREE android apps ARE NOT FREE in itunes).

Step three is making sure the app is backward compatible (that is, installable and runnable on an unlocked and jailbroken iphone 3g updated to ios 4 - don't get me started on the functionality of that one), and waiting for it to download. As I said, my computer does not play well with itunes (or any other apple product, of course). So even though I have high speed access (for distance edu, mind you), the download takes FOREVER.

Then, I get to coax my computer AND itunes into recognizing the iphone (which SHOULD be easy, but never is).

The final major step is the waiting about a million years for itunes to trickle the data over the itty bitty firewire (the only one the damn iphone will accept, since its proprietary). And then coaxing the system into releasing the iphone.

You know, I know I'm a but spoiled by my G2, but jesus... All in all, the process usually takes nearly an hour, if not LONGER.

So, I'm not much a fan of apple these days. I like the fact that I can practically magically add any damn app I want to my phone in SECONDS. EAT THAT IPHONE!

Posted via my G2. That's right bitches.