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Saturday, August 16, 2014


So... I was supposed to go in for an ultrasound of my neck like a year ago... I didn't for quite a while because I didn't have health insurance... Now I'm just not organized enough to get it done. I think my slip expired. I don't know. How do people get things done? I forgot how to stuff. I guess I have to contact my doctor to get a new slip? And then find a n imaging place? I just remembered... That was part of the reason I didn't do it.. I live approximately nowhere and I don't think there's a place nearby. Hmm. I think I'm ok though. No strange growths, I've been cancer free for about 10 years... That's pretty cool, really. Now if I could just finish something ha ha ha. I try not to bite you guys with the details, but I thought I'd give an update anyway. Even though this is probably one of the most boring posts on any blog ever. Even those "make money fast" ones are pretty exciting. I'm betting sarcastic, but sarcasm is hard to cover with words alone. You should have seen the face I made though. It was funny in my head at least. I keep thinking of making a vlog, but I'm not really thrilled with the idea of people looking at me. It'd be good because a facial expression can relay more information than a few words can, and I could do something entertaining, but I'd have people looking at me. I don't like that part. I would probably just set up a camera and be a goofball on it, but try to be somewhat informative too. Maybe after some dental work. I'm not quite "camera ready". But my jokes would make a lot more sense if you could see my face, because then you'd know I was joking. Most of the time I am. Unless I'm depressed and then all bets are off. I wish I could share pictures more easily on this blog. I usually blog on my phone. There's no button for pictures on it. But I have all my funny pictures on my phone (where I took them or downloaded them), and they're difficult to transfer over. I tried to post a picture a day or so? ago and I don't think it quite worked out. I can't see from my end whether it did or not. I don't know. I post from my phone because it's easier than typing and I'm a bit lazy on that one. Hmm... I think this little pile of word vomit has gone on long enough now. See you later.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Just hanging out in the closet...

Minecraft Cake Quest

My daughter wants a Minecraft cake this year. I wanted to deliver, but didn't have the three million years it takes to make one of those beautiful homemade ones you see on Youtube. Since I didn't have time, I looked all over for Minecraft decorations. I found a lot of things out there, and a lot of them were really cool.

I found these little fondant sculptures of Minecraft characters available here:

Unfortunately, the store was closed for the summer, so I was unable to order from them. They are absolutely beautiful, though, and I highly recommend going to the website and looking around. I found them a little bit pricey for me, but was going to order a few anyway because they are so cool.

I found this article on Minecraft party ideas, which I found very helpful. I looked around the website a bit, too, and found it interesting. There are a lot of really cool ideas on it.

I found a lot of cool little paper toppers, too, but decided if I wanted those, I could probably save myself some money and print and assemble them myself.

What I finally decided to use was a handmade Minecraft edible image. I bought it from ktprincess28 on eBay for $10.50, which I found to be a perfectly reasonable price. Ktprincess28 makes these, and they come in many different images, including Frozen. Here is what it looked like when it came to me:

The instructions I was given by the creator were to keep it in a cool, dry place so it won't run or melt. I've done my best, but we've had temps in the 90s with high humidity. My house is air-conditioned, but not well. My image is still fine. I'll show you guys a picture of the cake when it's on, too.
The image is paper thin. It's a really cool idea, and I thought I would share.

I'll let you know how the party works out, too.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Stuff? Random stuff...

Twitter is stupid. Every time I'm on Twitter even for a minute, I think, "wow! Twitter is really stupid" and then I leave.

There's a waffle in my hair! No, really... There's a cat named Waffle sleeping in my hair. He's all tangled up in it. I have very long, curly hair. I wonder if he'll get stuck... Probably, but it's still funny.

Nebulizers everywhere... And SO many trips to the store. Find a cute kitty a good home and wash your hair! Over there, over there, over there! Anybody remember that? From the Golden Girls? I used to watch that with my grandmother when it was still on the air. Yes, I am aware that I've just dated myself. That's ok.

I want sweet tea, but we're out of tea again and I don't wanna go to the store. Ah, first world problems...

Birthday parties... Whatever happened to tea parties..? While we're taking about parties... It's that time... For a birthday party that signifies the end of tea parties as I know it. It's gone by far too fast. All grown, almost.

The Waffle has left my hair. And He didn't get stuck. I was sure he would, since waffles are so sticky... This waffle is fuzzy and fluffy... Two characteristics you wouldn't want in a food-type waffle...

Did I leave something unsaid? Because usually I don't... I have a long standing habit of saying those things that would be better unsaid (nine inch nails song). If I have to point out the reference, is that a bad thing?

I've added some chaos and confusion and a strange ramble to my little corner of teh interwebz, so I guess my work here is done. Hasta.

Today is the greatest

Day I've ever known... Sometimes when I think of a word, a whole song pops into my head. Anybody else? Just me? Today was a good day (ice cube song)... I think my finals went well, we'll see... My cat woke me up at two am nibbling on my toes, so that's great... He's silly. I don't have a lot to say at the moment because my head is full of other people's voices, but I just thought I'd share a little. Be back soon.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Money management

I can't seem to do it... It's better than it was, but I'm still really struggling... My daughter's birthday is in a couple weeks AND I have to come up with school supplies too. So far I've gotten her three small gifts and figured out her cake decoration (purchased). It's an edible Minecraft image. We're throwing the party at a park to keep things fun while keeping costs down... I need more gifts for her but don't really have the cash for it... Her birthdays always fall on hard times. I feel so bad for her. I don't wanna just go to the dollar store and buy her a bunch of crap she won't use... I just never know what to do for her... I want to give her the earth, the moon and the stars, but I can't even give her a decent birthday. What's a broke ass mom to do??