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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

change of thought

What do I have to say today..?
I'm unsure, but I can feel it welling up inside
from the depths of my being
something will appear, regurgitated on this page
and then spring to life

for that is really,
the only way I know to create life in this way
word-vomit, I've been told
by some unappreciative...

and speaking of unappreciative...
who are you to tell me who am i?
what am i...
lost on a page, misdirected in verbiage

tomorrow, something different comes
from beneath the shattered glass
tomorrow this begins anew
from the same old pattern...

the very definition of crazy,
do the same and expect different results...

Not tomorrow...
tomorrow, something different this way comes
I hope you're ready, because I sure am

1 comment:

  1. The beginning of the end is always the vocalization of thoughts.
