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Thursday, November 26, 2015

Oh for fuck's sake...

I took my sleeping pill 2 hours ago and I'm still awake. I have to get up early tomorrow. I might just stay the fuck up. Why the Fuck does my phone always want to capitalize "fuck"?? Is it really that important? My hand is numb, my brain is full of noise and music and words and I don't know what the Fuck to do with myself. I might go drink tomorrow's ?? (Damnit if I haven't woken up yet, it's still yesterday or something to that effect) coffee... Coffee sounds fantastic! I wonder if emojiis will show up... Testing testing 🎶

Gears and fears and other people's beers.
Sanity is a carefully held illusion.
Let's see what happens when I write based on autocorrect. This could be interesting.

Fancy Nancy who feels so ansy...
Score one for me.
Vero is my hero.
Which witch is which? The one in a ditch?this is making me itch. What a bitch that witch was...
That was pretty good.
Sorry the story goes on and on and on like a defective bomb.

If you haven't guessed, the game is to blindly type the first word and let autocorrect do what it does, and then write from there. I had fun. Now I'm done.

Fuck. Loo. yeah that's what I meant, autocorrect. Thanks.
I have had significantly less caffeine today than usual. That might actually be why I can't sleep. Or maybe I need to get the Fuck off of this antidepressant.
I love creedence... I ain't no fortunate one, no...
My mother said my dad loved this song too. I wonder if he's alive sometimes... Not sure I care. Haven't seen him since I was a baby and my only memory of him was him slapping my mother so hard her head hit the wall.. that's it. I don't want to meet him.

Lean on me.. when you're not strong, blah blah blah. Pandora. Panda ora. panda orca. Orcas are beautiful. I can't slow the words, but my body is glued to the couch and I'm not happy. So fucking sad, so full of mental energy... I got hired on part time at the place I was on call. That's awesome. I can't believe they really think I'm good at something. Or that I'm even remotely stable.

Buffalo soldier, dreadlock Rasta...
Things and stuff and more blah blah. My brain is full of cotton. With a lot of tiny spiders in it. There crawling all over and whispering things in there. If you know your history... My sister is 1% African.
I'm Mostly Irish. That's a lot of capitals, Mr autocorrect. Ok then. Where was i? Somewhere about cotton. It feels like it's coming out of my ears. Like I'm a stuffed doll. Maybe that's why my body isn't moving. Because I am doll parts. Hahaha

Holy shitballs this is getting long. I don't think I care. At least I was nice enough not to make it a huge chunk of run on sentences this time. Youre welcome. I don't wanna hear this song, Pandora. Panda orca. Skip, skip, skip... Is what they called my sperm donor. That's a better song.

It is currently 3:00 in the fucking morning. I WAS sleeping 12 hours a day on the previous antipsychotic. I have to be somewhere at 11 because it's thanksfuckinggiving, which I hate for a variety of reasons. Happy fucksgiving everyone. I'm glad I have a friend to go to today. My mom and I used to bitch about the horrendous history of fucksgiving. We always hated it. She made enchiladas every year, I made cookies. I make the best fucking cookies. I can't cook worth a shit, but damn I can bake.

Ok, I think I'm going to go somewhere else now. Once again, thanks for reading my shit. I thoroughly enjoy taking verbal dumps. Thanks for caring.

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